Sunday, May 18, 2008

I'm Still Alive, If Anyone Cares

Man, I've been busy. No computer at home, no time to post, not a lot of deep thoughts lately either. I've been starting to think about actual STUFF again, and if I get any of that STUFF in a coherent idea while simultaneously having the time and Internet access, I might post something else. I want to.

Just in case anyone cares, here's what's been going on and why I haven't posted in so long. Basically, I have a 40-hour/week (and sometimes more) job at a local factory, in addition to some freelance writing for a weekly newspaper. I'm auditioning soon for a spot as the drummer in a metal band, and since I only started playing drums last July, I've had a metric buttload of practicing to do. Add to this my need to go to either the library or my mom's house for Internet, as well as other things I like to try to get done such as exercising, occasionally interacting socially with other human beings and even sometimes sleeping, and ... that's my excuse.

In my life of the mind, I've been guilt-tripping a little on the I-use-too-many-resources-and-should-live-in-a-dumpster environmentalist/primitivist thing; trying to resist being seduced to the Dark Side of pure libertarianism, (in terms of giving three cheers to corporate capitalism); planning actively NOT to vote for anyone in the presidential election; and forgetting almost totally about anything that could be considered religious or spiritual. Maybe I'll elaborate on one or more of these when I get around to writing something for real.


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