Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Nine Conservative Statements

1. Because commerce is essential to America's prosperity, taxes should be lowered so the American people can be free to enjoy their property.

2. The importance of belief in the true God of the Christian tradition should be recognized, rather than false idols. Likewise, conservatives take a realistic view of the world as it is, rather than utopian pipe dreams.

3. In the same vein, conservatism is about a wise and intelligent approach to politics, without the hypocrisy and self-deceit inherent in liberalism.

4. Giving charity should be a hand up, not a hand-out, helping those who earn, rather than wasting resources on the lazy who don't appreciate it.

5. Conservatives support striking back at those who attack America, instead of turning tail and rolling over like the radical appeasers.

6. As with charity, responsibility should be shown to those who are themselves responsible, to discourage the parasites that weaken our society.

7. Conservatives share the idea of man as a fallen and imperfect creature. The Bible tells us that Man became sinful when he reached for the intellectual development promised by the forbidden tree.

8. Liberals spend their lives feeling guilty about all the things that America has earned. Conservatives know better than to fret about driving SUVs, eating meat, shopping at Wal-Mart, and all the other things about which liberals cry crocidile tears.

9. The liberal elite takes affront to the values of true conservative patriotism, and continually uses scare tactics about supposed "right-wingers" to justify ever more power to an amoral central government.


Can you guess where the ideas for these statements where taken? The funny thing is, I don't disagree totally with all of the above, and I don't disagree totally with the source material. But like the source material, I believe conservatism needs to be taken with a grain of proverbial salt.

Note: I had the idea for this post before I took the quiz that led to the post about me being a liberal.

PS: Months after I wrote this post, I found this:



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